Welcome! Zeta Theta Chapter at Large is based in Toledo, Ohio and serves members throughout Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan. We are an honor society that provides leadership and scholarship in nursing practice, education, and research.

Presidential Message 2024

Greetings to all.
I am Dr. Heidi Shank, and I am honored to serve you for another year as the president of Zeta Theta Chapter-At-Large of Sigma (2023-2025). Summer is moving fast and the executive board has shifted a bit. We welcome the newly married Dr. Karen (Mortland) Vargas (UT) to the Zeta President -Elect position for AY 24-25 and Karen Jackson Rodd, MSN, RN (UT) to the Zeta Secretary position for AY 24-26 and several new officers. Spring presented some operational challenges as some administrative changes and mergers have occurred at some of our program sites. We will keep everyone informed as new representatives emerge in our charter programs. 

Top members are doing more great work REPRESENTING Zeta Theta Chapter-at-Large! DID YOU KNOW this one???? In May, 2024, our esteemed Zeta member, Cynthia Arslanian-Engoren, PhD, RN, MSN, ACNS-BC, FAHA, FNAP, FAAN and Professor, Department of Health Behavior and Biological Sciences,  Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development at the University of Michigan, School of Nursing received the 2024 AACN Pioneering Spirit Award for her work as a cardiovascular nurse researcher, addressing bias, health disparities and inequalities in women’s care! How fab is that???? Read more here https://www.aacn.org/newsroom/michigan-nurse-scientist-honored-with-national-award AND HERE https://www.aacn.org/nursing-excellence/excellence-awards/visionary-leadership-awards AND HERE  https://news-beta.kagi.com/topic/28251  

We love celebrating your recognition and work Dr. Arslanian-Engoren!!!!

We have our Fall Kick Off Zeta Board meeting coming up and we have an exciting Fall New Member Induction planned for November 4th @ 6pm to be hosted in person by the University of Toledo, College of Nursing in the Howard L. Collier building 1000A&B. More details will be announced closer to the event. We hope eligible students and area nursing leaders discover the many benefits available through membership in Sigma International and Zeta Theta Chapter-At-Large locally. Please reach out to any member if you have questions.
Our Zeta chapter is special! How do I know? Let's REFLECT...Five nursing programs (Bowling Green State University, Lourdes University , Mercy College, Ohio Northern University, & University of Toledo) collaborate to form the At-Large-Chapter which is a rarity as announced at the 47th Biennium Conference in 2023 held in Texas. Dr. Greg Shannon and  Antoinette (Toni) Kramer, MSN, RN were there as chapter delegates and many people were interested to find out more about our collaboration and success. How did they know we were successful? We were awarded our 8th consecutive Key Award at that event!! The Chapter Key Award, established in 1991, honors Sigma chapters that excel in chapter-related activities. Our Chapter excellence  has been sustained for 16 years (before Covid and beyond) is certainly worthy of special recognition and ongoing celebration!!!!
Our Fall 2024 & beyond plans include actions which RESPOND to our priority for member support. Research Scholarship Applications will be accepted twice a year now and the first round is due before October 1, 2024. Other plans include possible CE offerings, an in-person end of the year dinner & recognition event, and planning for other fun events to come. We'd love to have you join us-the year will fly by! 

Don't miss the early Fall local events which include the Innovations in Education Conference September 6th at Promedica and The UT CON Dottie Hussain Lecture Series featuring Liz Madigan, past Sigma Chief Executive officer speaking about Global Health/Health Equity on October 1st 4-6pm as listed in our Events section to the right of this screen. Keep an eye on this area as we update events of interest. If you know of an event you'd like us to list, please forward it to me or Karen.Vargas@utoledo.edu. 

We also hope current members seek interest in filling some of our upcoming vacant board positions in Spring 2025 and get involved in our interesting volunteer opportunities this year. We RESPECT all members and the extra efforts of those serving as ZETA Board members. You are the glue for our chapter!
Sigma and Zeta have something for everyone and we hope to see you soon! 
Email me with any questions or more great news! heidi.shank@utoledo.edu

Reflect. Respect. Respond.  

In Service and Love, 

Greg and Val Biennial

Dear Zeta Theta Chapter Member (Jan 2023):

My name is Dr. Valerie Pauli, and I am the current President of our local Sigma organization - Zeta Theta Chapter at-Large. Over the last 13-years I have served in various capacities on the Board of Directors for Zeta Theta and have found this service incredibly humbling. This November we hosted our first in-person Induction since Fall 2020! I would like to take this opportunity to express a warm welcome to all the new graduates and community members inducted within the past year, and also recognize the dedication and hard work of all current members who keep our chapter moving forward year after year.

The chapter offers numerous grants and scholarships to support members in research, education, community service, and leadership development. I encourage the membership at-large to utilize these member perks and attend Zeta Theta sponsored events throughout the year. If you are interested in becoming a member of the board of directors, or member of a committee, please reach out to me at vpauli@emich.edu

I look forward to a great 2023!

In care
Valerie Pauli EdD, MSN, ACNS-BC, CNE

Feb 2023 Newsletter

June 2022 Newsletter

April 2022 Newsletter

November 2021 Newsletter:

November 2021 Induction
Zoom Induction

November 2019 Newsletter


Fall 2019 November Induction
Lourdes University
Lourdes University
Mercy College of Ohio
Mercy College

University of Toledo
University of Toledo

October 2019 Event
Guest 1
Online Newsletter

Zeta Theta is excited to announce the launch of a new online newsletter. The first newsletter highlights the three major events that have taken place for the 2018-2019 year which include: EBP Program in October 2018, Fall 2018 Induction, and 2019 Research Day.
Check out the first issue here:

2019 Research Day Presenters
2019 Research Day Presenters


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Chapter News

  • Chapter Newsletter

    Please go into our chapter library to view the latest edition of the chapter newsletter!!!

  • Innovations in Education Symposium

    ProMedica nurse education leaders and guest speakers will share their vision for the future of nursing education at the Innovations in Education Symposium on Friday, Sept. 6.

    The day-long symposium is free for ProMedica nurse educators, leaders, students and more! Only $35.00 for non-ProMedica employees.

    Free 6.00 ANCC Contact hours! Breakfast, lunch and full day jam packed with learning!

    The presentations by ProMedica experts will explore vital and timely topics in education and leadership.


    • “Technology and Design Concepts" by Mary Bukowski, BIS, an education and e-learning specialist at ProMedica for more than 10 years. She specializes in designing, developing and delivering professional and technical training, particularly for nurses. ​


    • “A Regulatory Education – Turning Rules into Our Reality" by Christy Stillwell, DNP, RN-BC, CCRN, EBP-C, associate vice president of workforce development for ProMedica, and Marilyn Strait, MBA, MSN, RN, director, acute/provider, regulatory and infection protection for ProMedica.​


    Guest speakers scheduled to share their perspectives at the symposium are:


    • Dan Weberg, PhD, MHI, RN, FAAN, an award-winning speaker, author and consultant, is known for his expertise in innovation, high-performing teams, technology, workforce and health care disruption. Weberg, who has created innovation programs at The Ohio State University and Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine, will discuss “Innovation in Nursing Education."


    • Todd Tussing, DNP, RN, CENP, NEA-BC, EBP-BC, FNAP, assistant clinical professor at the College of Nursing at The Ohio State University, who will discuss “Educators as Leaders, Leaders as Educators." Tussing has an extensive background in critical care nursing and health care leadership, including roles as nurse manager, director and administrative director in various hospital settings.
    • Jason A. Schwartz, MS, director of outreach at the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, will discuss “From the Classroom to the Bedside: The Next Generation NCLEX and Clinical Judgment." Schwartz holds degrees in mathematics from the University of Oregon and the University of California, Berkeley, and has more than 25 years of experience in high-stakes testing.
    • “Teaching Strategies and Learner Engagement" by Melanie Hicks, DNP, RN, CNE, and Annette Oberhaus, DNP, RN, CNE. Hicks is a member of the Northwest State Community College nursing faculty. Oberhaus, a ProMedica Toledo Hospital School of Nursing graduate, has been a full-time nurse educator since 2006. She is a coordinator in the skills lab at Bowling Green State University, where she is an associate professor in the school of nursing.​



    Friday, Sept. 6
    Registration: 7 a.m.
    Presentations: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
    Evaluations: 4 – 4:15 p.m.


    ProMedica Toledo Hospital
    Donald V. Kellermeyer Medical Education Center Auditorium
    2113 Hughes Dr., Toledo       

    Register by Friday, Aug. 30, at promedica.cloud-cme.com​.

    For more information, contact Joseph Hauser, accredited provider program director, learning and development specialist, ProMedica staff development, at joseph.hauser@promedica.org.

Chapter Events

International Events